Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sales declining as people get more computer savey

Interesting that we are talking about this same subject in my Intro to Mass Media class. It seems like as computer technology advances, the sale of newspaper keeps dropping. People are finding more innovative and less time comsuming ways of finding out whats going on in the world around them. There's now news on the internet, news on blackberrys, news on television, people are taking more time living life rather than flipping through the pages of a newspaper. It seems like the sales will only keep declining as we only continue to become more advanced with technology. It's time to say goodbye to the old convensions of news and embrace the change.
In the Morgan Hill Times article posted, a newspaper based in Denver that has long been in existed went out of business. The advertisers who once thrived in their pages have found new homes online; new homes for free. They no longer have to pay for small advertising spots with a limitation on how much could be posted and where. On line they have the capability to post a limitless amount of text and images free of charge; or as the article stated, "Why pay 75 cent when you can click over for nothing?"Yes, all can agree that we are evolving into a paperless people. Everything readily available at the click of a mouse, but whether we realize it or not, the decline in the sales of newspaper is putting thousands of people out of work.
Rep. Jared Polis of a Netroots Nation, a progressive political group was reported saying, "I have to say, that when we say, 'Who killed the Rocky Mountain News?' we are all part of that, we truly are. For better or worse, and I argue that it's mostly for better," the Democrat said.
"Media is dead, and long live new media, which is all of you," he said. Failing to realize that all of "them" he was talking to would have no job come early that next week. As we evolve we are leaving those who don't embrace the change behind to fend for themselves. So almost thousands are going home wondering what is next for them since the printing press is no longer thriving. It many ways it is exciting to see us "change with the times" and make better of the resources we have. Unfortunately with change comes losses, losses that are costing some their financial security.

1 comment:

  1. so i was unsure of how to add the articles as a link on the most so im stuch with adding them as comments
